Adding a double metal support to the cornice we can have a double-tracks cornice.
All these cornices are made fully of metal and decorated endings and all accessories are made by wroughting.
They are characterized by:
very big toughness
wide range of colours
huge amount of interesting accessories
Attainable types:
Gold antique (fantasy)
Hammer brass (shell)
Black and golden
Navy blue (thunderbolt with a ball)
Hammer chrome (flash)
Green and golden (flame)
Mat silver (big leaf)
Thanks to these features you can arrange each easily.
Metal cornices are aviable in:
120, 140, 160, 180, 200 cm or joined as you like.
Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno - Handlowo - Usługowe KAZO
21-080 Garbów II nr 18